Worrying is Pointless

Worrying is Pointless

Raising kids make you really dissect how you live and breathe. Are we doing this thing called 'life' correctly? Is there such a thing. I think about this a lot knowing I'm a role model and my kids see and feel what I do so much more than what I say (teens right!?). It's time to give ourselves a break.

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Being a Better Human...

Being a Better Human...

I love this - 10 ways to get the most out of the time you have on the planet!!

We all love a list, but this is really practical, especially in our time-poor scrolling world that has become the norm. What is the norm? How do we be the best human we can be while we're so busy trying to put ourselves first, fill out all the school notes, ensure everyone is eating healthy and getting enough sleep, etc... no wonder we escape off into our phones for 2 minutes of scrolling for some mindless peace and feeling overwhelm is so real... Apparently the average person has about four thousand weeks on this Earth. How will you spend them?

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Sharing is the answer to the climate crisis

Sharing is the answer to the climate crisis

How to make the world a better place one person at a time and also tackle the climate crisis... Imagine if we all shared with our neighbors more and helped each other.

The premise is that food waste accounts for 65% of all green house gas emissions which is something each of us can control. Apparently we throw away so much food that is perfectly fine to consume, but in our fast paced lives, we don't buy just enough, we always have excess. What can we do to change these habits?

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Impressive Dessert Hack

Impressive Dessert Hack

Who doesn't need an impressive dessert hack to impress the family or friends?

It's the night before a spontaneous dinner party and you've been asked to bring along dessert. Instead of the usual stop at the supermarket en route to grab a frozen apple tart and ice cream tub, go out on a limb and make something yourself!

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Before you open your eyes... Do this!

Before you open your eyes... Do this!

Some of you may know that for my 50th birthday last year I got a meditation course for myself and my partner to participate in - he couldn't say he didn't want to join me that way, sneaky huh!? I've been meditating on and off since and keep working on finetuning my process along with reflection to see where I'm at. I was sent this practice by the same meditation teachers (@The Sattva Life - thank you!) that has totally hit me square between the eyes!!

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Lunch is all about leftovers...

Lunch is all about leftovers...

We have two growing teenagers in the house. Food is very important and luckily both my boys like good healthy food. We all appreciate delicious food and I discovered, it needs to have flavour and there always needs to be enough. So now we ensure we cook larger portions, shop more often (everyone contributes to the shopping list) and make a plan to keep good food stocked and ready to grab.

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Thinking Time is Your New Superpower

Thinking Time is Your New Superpower

Thinking time is such a simple concept although most don't do it often. I know I don't do it enough. The idea of taking some time out for myself makes my shoulders drop and my mind crave how I can make it happen with the chaos of life. Thinking time is blocking out time in your diary on a regular basis, (daily, 3x a week, weekly, whatever suits you) unplugging from devices and sitting with yourself. Really sitting and doing nothing. Just being. Imagine if this became your normal?

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Easy Quiche for the Lunch Box

Easy Quiche for the Lunch Box

Quiche would have to be one of those dishes that I make weekly and I could probably make it with my eyes closed. It's versatile - for breakfast, lunch, dinner or a snack, fast to make, portable and our whole family loves it - most of the time depending on what I slip inside!

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Are you Kind to Yourself?

Are you Kind to Yourself?

I mean do you put your needs before anyone else's most of the time? Do you take that nap when you could really use it? Get that massage when you're at breaking point? Go to the gym to ease your stress? Eat your lunch sitting down not on the run? Do you go out of your way to even inconvenience yourself to cater to another? Why the hell do we do this?

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Yoga with Friends

Yoga with Friends

I've spoken about yoga before and how much I need it and how it really helps ground me. Doing yoga feels so good for my body, mind and spirit and allows me to return to my breath and reset. It helps me step out of the busi-ness of my life. This stopping and being aware is so difficult to do and is a constant work in progress I have to tap into again and again. Stopping is so hard. What is the thing that you love to do  - your 'yoga' - and when you're doing it time stops and everything melts away?

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