Do Something Every Day That Scares You...

Do Something Every Day That Scares You...

‘What other people think about you has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.’ I love this quote – I can’t remember who said but I try and live by it.

My son had a school disco in Year 1. He was excited about it because he loved to dance but also because he could hang with this friends after school. I said I was coming to help as a parent volunteer and I hoped he was ok with that. He said yes that was good and would I dance with him too? I said of course if he wanted me to dance with him, I would. (Although quietly I was hoping he would forget!)

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Positive Power from a Young Age...

Positive Power from a Young Age...

My youngest son went to a yoga school holiday camp and I was keen to see what he thought. He actually thought it was a bit on the boring side, but he is a boisterous 8 year old boy – although he does love yoga. In his defense, they didn’t do any yoga animals – the camel, cat, dog – I’m not sure what kind of yoga this was as how can they not do any animals!! Anyhow, he was calm and chilled out – bonus and he was handed over a sheet of beautiful affirmations. Freaking AWESOME! I had to share!

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Our Family is on a Diabetic Journey…

Our Family is on a Diabetic Journey…

Rob is my partner and we both talk about how life gets faster and we all get older. This is obvious and inevitable, but we CAN be in the driver’s seat and have some control over the quality of life we’re living.

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The Overrwhelm (O.W.)…

The Overrwhelm (O.W.)…

Yes, it’s spelt incorrectly as it really is meant to be the over-r-whelm.

We all know the overrwhelm (O.W.). It can be so strong and can sneak up on you. The smallest thing can tip you over the edge and seem to be so much worse. We all need help coping and functioning in this crazy busy world as we take on too much.. . read more. 

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