Yoga with Friends
I've spoken about yoga before and how much I need it and how it really helps ground me. Doing yoga feels so good for my body, mind and spirit and allows me to return to my breath and reset. It helps me step out of the busi-ness of my life. This stopping and being aware is so difficult to do and is a constant work in progress I have to tap into again and again. Stopping is so hard. What is the thing that you love to do - your 'yoga' - and when you're doing it time stops and everything melts away?
If you don't know what this looks like, can I suggest that you STOP and reflect and listen to your body and your thoughts. Just do this every once in a while (daily would be amazing). Give yourself some space to breath. You don't have to have an aha moment necessarily, just have a go and pay attention. When you're doing things that make your heart sing, tap into that. Are you alone or with friends.
I love taking my yoga up a level. Since lockdown now I often do yoga outside in my garden and this is even better than inside as every day is different. Looking up at the clouds, trees, birds along with different weather makes this experience unique every time. I love the smell of the grass and getting a different aspect of my garden depending on how I feel and where I want to go (especially from the ground looking up!). I keep moving around and this helps keep things fresh and new.
I also love to have friends join me to create an amazing space of vibrant energy. Sometimes they bring their kids, sometimes it's just 2 of us. I'm not a yoga teacher although I know what I like and am confident sharing my space with others. I appreciate different styles - especially Flow and Yin - and adapt them to how I'm feeling so they suit anyone at any level. I use a number of apps and many are free - such as FitOn, Aura and Insight Timer. There's no excuse to say you don't know what to do, just dive into one of those to get started if you're keen to get moving.
I think everyone needs yoga or their version however that looks, so have a go. Namaste.