A Quick (& Healthy) Meal

A Quick (& Healthy) Meal

I grew up without much crap around the house and because of this fact, my sister and I would buy a whole tub of Haagen Daz or Sara Lee Brownies and...

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Something a friend said to me once has really stuck. She said, don't just tell your kids that you love them, tell them so much more. My son agrees when I say these words to him and says, 'you're my mum and it's your job to tell me that you love me!' So true. Saying 'I love you' doesn't have the kick it once did, but please don't stop saying these words either!! We need them more than ever in our families, with our friends and in our communities. More love and connection will only make the world better... But we can take this up a notch and explode this idea...

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Keep the Family M-O-V-I-N-G...

Keep the Family M-O-V-I-N-G...

Covid taught us all to stop and take a break. Oh we needed it and probably still do, BUT we have to ensure keep that new found movement that we did going. Don't go back into automatic pilot and miss out on those important moments - either for yourself, your family and your friends. All those walks to new neighbourhood trails and discovering new beaches doesn't have to stop.

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TikTok Salmon Bowl...

TikTok Salmon Bowl...

OMG this is soooo yummy and easy to make! Who doesn't need another simple TASTY family dinner to add to their repetoire. We're on a mission to keep sharing EASY and yummingly delicious food so I've discovered listening to my kids share their TikTok/YouTube food videos is an amazing source of inspiration! Remember, your kids are your teachers!

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Kid Activity - Homemade Pizza

Kid Activity - Homemade Pizza

Looking for ways to improve your family's eating habits AND do some family bonding? No matter what age your kids are, I don't know any that don't love homemade pizza! So many options to consider, even if you've got food restrictions! It's time to get your hands dirty and dive in.

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Are We Hibernating?

Are We Hibernating?

In this post pandemic time, in Australia we've been luckier than many other parts of the world and life hasn't change all that much. Ironically, de...

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Choose Cruelty-Free, Every Time

Choose Cruelty-Free, Every Time

I consider myself pretty well educated on eco-issues. It's my business to be in the know and I'm passionate about our planet, our footprint and being a considerate role-model for my boys. When my girlfriend A asked me which skincare I used and did it have the rabbit on it, I didn't know what she meant?

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KID RECIPE ALERT - Let the Kids Make Dinner!

KID RECIPE ALERT - Let the Kids Make Dinner!

My eleven year old 'C' LOVES to cook and experiment in the kitchen and I'm trying to encourage this as much as possible as feeding the family should be a family affair! Food is important in our household and the more involved people are in the cooking process, the more they love to eat it. One advantage of screen-time is when C finds simple cooking videos - apparently no one follows recipes any more - and states he's making dinner. Bring it!

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Hacks to Improve Your Life

Hacks to Improve Your Life

We're all running on this never ending treadmill juggling so many balls but this is life and it's not going to stop (besides the odd pandemic of course!). Life will continue to deliver those super high highs and those mind blowing lows. It's what being human means. How do you cope? You have to stop. What do you do when you stop? Look for small ways to give yourself an edge without reinventing the wheel. Little actions over time equal very big changes.

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Boys Need a Lighthouse (thanks Maggie Dent!)

Boys Need a Lighthouse (thanks Maggie Dent!)

So my partner has never been a book reader! Look he's probably read 8-10 books in the 25 years we've been together, but I don't consider that a reader! I have 4-8 books on the go at any one time (that's another story) so I consider myself a reader (see how I got my whole family to read just a little bit more here). So as we co-parent our tween and teen, I get rather frustrated when I find an amazing Earth-shattering book that is life-changing from a parenting perspective and I can't get him to read it. But, no more banging my head against a wall. I've crashed through it and found a solution!!

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