Do You Live on 'The Slight Edge'?
I didn't know there was a name for it, but there is. The Slight Edge is all about living your best life and reaping the rewards at the same time because you're totally in flow and good things happen. This is not to be mistaken for luck. You MAKE this happen and need to be very present to acknowledge that this is the point.
The premise of the Slight Edge (which is also a book written by Jeff Olsen that I LOVE) is based on taking small, even minuscule, action regularly to create compounded interest or value. You need to start with something, he starts with a penny as an example, so it has to have some value. It's about making a choice for action - even tiny action - so that you have something to build on. You know, a journey of a hundred miles starts from a single step. This is really true and you just need to live it to see the big change that results from all these tiny steps.
You know if you stop eating fast food crap and make healthier swaps and choices in the long run, you'll feel great. Throw in some exercise and movement, more positive choices, and you feel even better. Get the right amount of sleep and you're transformed. It's not brain surgery, but why is it so hard for us to do these little IMPORTANT things especially for ourselves? We need to stop putting so much pressure on ourselves and get present and live in the moment AND take action. This is the missing ingredient. The rest will take care of itself.
I'm writing a book, it's about LUCI (you know my LUCI Pack - Love Unlocks Connection Instantly) from my own journey and experience. Writing has been very cathartic to me after overcoming breast cancer and recognising the discoveries I've made - some are even quite funny. I know right, funny really? If you can't laugh then really what's the point? Which brings me back to the Slight Edge. I do live my life taking lots of valuable conscious choices and actions that nudge me forward in the right direction - meditating (work in progress), yoga, focused work tasks, coffee dates, one-on-one time with my kids, date night (work in progress), eating beautiful food, getting enough sleep and the list goes on. I want to help people live their authentic selves and be comfortable in their own skin with who they are and this is a lot of what Luci discovers in my story. I'm trying to walk the talk and do these things, the little things. They say don't sweat the small stuff - but it's the small stuff that matters. I'm excited to share this with anyone who cares to listen, so I'm letting you all know, it's coming.
Writing is important to me although I've had a real block and was getting sidetracked away from my writing goals. I'm recognising this and am now making time EVERY day to write - it's a priority to me as I chip away at Luci. I will share her with you all in case she can help and encourage you to find your own Luci. We're all creative and full of so much wonderful stuff - let her shine. Take this as a gentle nudge to you too. What are you scared of? There is glittery magic behind every uncomfortable situation so dig deep... and thanks for listening. X