Hacks to Improve Your Life

Hacks to Improve Your Life

Hacks to Improve Your Life

We're all running on this never ending treadmill juggling so many balls but this is life and it's not going to stop (besides the odd pandemic of course!). Life will continue to deliver those super high highs and those mind blowing lows. It's what being human means. How do you cope? You have to stop. What do you do when you stop? Look for small ways to give yourself an edge without reinventing the wheel. Little actions over time equal very big changes. [Thanks Jeff Olsen in the Slight Edge.]

Here's a suggestion to get you started. You know when you read a book and it's a game changer. You can't go back? 'Breath' by James Nestor is such a book. Even better listen to it on Audible to really get the message. It turns out a hell of a lot of us are not breathing properly and it's making us sick. Crazy but true. I could share all James' points - nose breathing over mouth breathing, the magic of the exhale, but you need to experience it yourself to get really grasp it. Think about it. See how you relate to his experience. I promise you'll start to analyse yourself and those around you. Your breath has the power to heal so why wouldn't you look into it a bit more. Our breath is what signals our birth and also, our death. I can't recommend diving into this book enough and if you have any sleep issues, this will help you tackle them head on.

Speaking of sleep, no doubt you've experienced the effects of alcohol on sleep and how you get the most disrupted sleep ever after even one drink. I find this, even if I only have half a bottle of beer. I'm not a big drinker and have never felt pressure to drink if I didn't want to, but I love that I've found a happy medium for those moments when I need something cool and a little bit special. Sansdrinks. Irene Falcone (of Nourished Life fame) is disrupting the alcohol industry and it's awesome to have another option for that Friday night drink break. There's an amazing offering of zero (or very little) alcohol whether it's beer, wine, champagne or spirits - there's something for everyone. I can't stop telling my friends about it. It's so simple AND after indulging, I still get a great sleep.

[I've been informed that Sansdrinks don't offer beer anymore and this 'Heaps Normal' is super tasty! It can be purchased at the Free Spirit Drink Co here. Thanks for the nudge!]

I won't even mention how awesome a COLD zero percent Heaps Normal Beer tastes down at the beach with fish and chips in our MF24 Carry All!! How do you hack your life to find small improvements?