Giving Back Feels So Good...
I love helping out at my child's school whether it's in the canteen or sitting one-on-one with kids going over their timetables. I do this because the school asks for volunteers, my son likes it when I help and the icing on the cake - I get to feel amazing knowing I've done my part and have a little taste of his school world. Being a parent is fulfilling and challenging on so many levels.
It gets harder to be a part of your kid's lives as they get older and exert more control and independence. I like this side of things too as they speak out as to what is important to them. It's a nice bonus to get more time for myself and my partner but balance isn't easy. I've found giving my kids a bit more space and letting them come to me on their own is a lot more effective than being in their face to suit my needs. I would say since I've been practicing this, we have a stronger relationship and relate better to each other. I've realised that when my kids are moody, it's often hormones along with life's little stresses and generally has nothing at all to do with me.
My job is to be the best parent ever and if my kids don't let me do this sometimes, I need to relax and let go. There's always another opportunity to step up and the world won't cave in! As parents, we don't have to 'hold up the sky'. The sky is doing just fine and we could do with a lesson in staying in 'our' business and leaving our kids to theirs. I love this lesson and can never hear it enough.
It feels as though we are all trying to go back to what it means to live in a community and getting the tribe to help raise your kids. If we all reach out and connect and ask for help more, we'll all benefit and our kids will have magical role models. I'm enjoying chatting to mums at school or on the football sidelines and sharing experiences. This takes me out of my own stresses and worries and gets me present and living each day which makes me happier.
Are you looking for a way to give back and help your child's school/pre-school with fundraising beyond chocolate? We have a simple Fridge-to-go Fundraising Kit that is available and super easy - we'll hold your hand the whole way. Download your kit here.
Thanks for letting us go along for the ride as we all share our parenting tips with each other, no one said it was easy, but it sure is fulfilling! ;)