Get Moving... Whatever that looks like...
Do you get through your day and wonder why you didn't get any steps in or move enough? Maybe you didn't even have time to think about it? Were you too busy to even eat or drink enough water? Did you get that overwhelming feeling and could barely work out how to fit in all you need to do in one day? We've all had days like this and that's ok. Sometimes are just like that.
First, don't be hard on yourself and know you can just hit the 'reset' button.
It's ok to take a day and only do what you can and politely tell your inner devil to go have a cup of tea and leave you alone. You can distract your brain by telling this devil that you're on top of things (even if you're not) as you don't need the 'flight or fight' hormones running through your body.
Stop and take a breath. Make a cup of tea and take 5. Get a plan. If you're still overwhelmed you need to move. Moving will make everything better, trust me. Take a walk around the block, hop on your bike or jump online to find some respite. Listen to your body and use any guidance you need to make this happen.
During covid, I found Yoga with Adriene and now Adriene is a regular in my daily life. And it's soooo freaking easy. I can choose to do more of a flow class and get invigorated or do more of a slower relaxing Yin inspired class to wind down. If I only have 15-20 minutes there's a class for that. If I need more instruction on how to do a specific movement, I can find that too. As Adriene says, 'just showing up for yourself and taking this time is the hardest part'. That's soooo true.
We all know the feeling of lying on our back and taking a breath as our spine sinks into the floor and our body let's go as if to say 'thank you... finally...'. So what are you waiting for. Yoga might not be your thing, but there are plenty of other options online and off...
There's no wrong or right, just moving or not. Once you get the blood flowing all the priority tasks will show themselves in a more methodical and practical way. The science is there so just do it.