Steps to a Better You...
Steps to a Better You...
I had a friend recently confide in me that he was struggling quite a bit with overwhelm. He had a second health scare and asked me what more it would take before he would actually see the obvious signs and make a change to his life.
This is where I stepped in and gave him some suggestions that I’ve been using in my life to make improvements because I’ve been thinking about the same things. Baby steps are what I’ve been doing and I’m seeing huge results because of it. 4 steps forward and 3 back is STILL FORWARD so let go and just be! I’m not being so hard on myself lately and instead am nurturing myself – we can all do more nurturing! I’m sure you’ll also find it helpful.
I came up with some baby steps for you. This is my new mantra as I’m not so good at relaxing and doing nothing, so I’m trying to take baby steps, just move forward even slowly. Also I am only capable of being genuine and true so as you’re listening, here are some ideas that might work for you (and your family) – remember it takes a village….
Food – go organic if you can (even for some) or grow it or get farm fresh, try smaller portions and grazing or just go with your natural instinct. At the moment I just like grazing on small things every few hours, then have a good dinner. Be guided by what you feel like. Lately I haven’t felt like dairy or meat, but then other days I can’t get enough pulled pork tacos, you get my drift.
Drink – less. Try and just cut back from what you do now. Cut back and try and aim for 1 alcohol free day a week, then 2, then 3 etc. Maybe only drink 2-3 nights a week and enjoy it – this can take weeks or months, but there’s no rush and it’s all pointing in the right direction. Enjoy the ones you do have and try and be present. We’ll have kombucha after work as a treat (we make it and it’s super easy and cheap) – it’s not alcohol but it’s still a treat – you can put it in a wine glass ;). This is my latest thing more BEing less DOing. Think of a compass changed by 1 degree which isn’t much but after a week of sailing this is a huge difference! (If you think you have an issue with alcohol reach out and get some help.)
Move/exercise – I walk as much as possible and there are so many gorgeous spots to find and lose yourself. Get yourself a pedometer as it would be interesting to see how many steps you already do. If you normally do 6k try and do 7k, then 8 etc but take your time and keep adding. There’s no ideal whatever works but keep moving and pushing yourself, even baby steps. Take the whole family on a weekly beach walk (different beach) and find treasure on the beach – bring a ball… magic again. The whole family will benefit and pull together. Which leads to my favourite at the moment…
CONNECT – you get so much jungle juice from others to keep you going just from connecting with amazing people. Make coffee catch ups to connect with people you find interesting regularly 1-2 per week. I love how I’m taking the time to dive into cool things about people I’ve known a while but never got to see in certain lights. You might already do a date/family lunch/picnic regularly if not, schedule it in. My partner and I try for a monthly date night but it’s hard to find time. But when you do, it’s so worth it. You could make the most awesome picnic throw a rug outside in the grass and voila – easy chilled lunch for 2. Go with the flow… which leads too…
Listen to your gut instinct and trust it. If it feels good (anything you do, eat, say, think) do more of it. If it doesn’t sit right, don’t do it (within reason obviously). You’ll feel aligned and full of magic (I just see the good in people and do what I want – and even say what I want – life is short). Always be genuine and honest (especially with the chatter in your head!) – this will have osmosis into your family so beware and look for magic every day.
Nurture yourself – with whatever you like – play BUG BINGO (don’t know it? google it!) and give yourself a break.
Great read by Kyle Cease, ‘I hope I screw this up’. He’s a hilarious comedian who is also a self-help guy, but he believes you have to be genuine all the time and let yourself go out there and see what magic you can dig up. Life needs more laughter – find lots of it – kids are brilliant for that! More BEing!
My current mantra besides baby steps is – it is what it is, harvest the good, leave the rest.
Ok – have people that need more nurturing in their lives? Please share this and walk the talk!
Super peace and love. x